The Project That rocked Birmingham

what is
brum rocks?

The initial idea behind Brum Rocks was an extension of

building Brum Rocks

The Peoples Projects

We initially applied to participate in the People’s Projects. This was a collaboration between ITV, The National Lottery and the Sunday Mail. After a lengthy application process, we were chosen to partake in the regional vote in Spring 2023 where if we were successful could win up to £70,000 towards the brum Rocks Project.

This was our first major marketing campaign as an organisation. We appeared on TV and radio and distributed hundreds of flyers to local businesses and community groups. 

After the vote had concluded,we were delighted to be awarded £69,950 to deliver Brum Rocks.


song writing project

building Brum Rocks

an anthem for Birmingham

brum rocks in the news

an anthem for Birmingham

brum rocks live

Thank you