About us

Misfits Music | Hannah+Blake-Fathers+Alright+Yeah.jpg

Misfits Music was founded in November 2018 by “adopted Brummies” and local musicians Reuben Penny and Rob Jones. Our first group, the Moseley Misfits was set up to provide a space for adults who play any musical instrument, to any ability to meet for regular sessions and take part in social events and public performances. 

We strongly believe in the power of group music making activities to facilitate new connections between people, break down social barriers and help members of our local community become active citizens. We see first hand the power music has to reduce loneliness and improve mental wellbeing in our participants.

In February 2020 local artist, workshop leader and creative education advisor Iris Bertz joined roster as Business & Partnerships Consultant. This coincided with the appointment of our team of Trustees who lead our new Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

In March 2020, when lockdown hit the UK, we swiftly moved our activities online to keep our community together through those difficult days. We have been supported by Heart of England’s Doing Things Differently Fund to improve our Online Hour, a weekly online music rehearsal for adults which will continue until at least December 2020. We were also awarded a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund - Coronavirus Support Fund to restart our socially-distanced In Person sessions in July 2020. We are continuing to work hard with our funders, members and government guidelines to provide safe ways to get playing together again!

Through all the current changes in social distancing, we are loving providing members of our community innovative ways to play music, socialise and stay connected.

We are fortunate to have been supported in our early stages by Sid Peacock, who has invited the Moseley Misfits twice to perform at his fabulous Surge in Spring Festival at MAC Birmingham. Additionally Head of Saxophone at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Naomi Sullivan has kindly supported our busking sessions.

We are particularly thankful to our dedicated team of volunteers who have supported us in everything from Development to hosting outdoor music sessions in a local park. Our Voluntary Development Consultant Rosie Clements, a Festival Producer in her other life is a core member of our voluntary team offer support with everything from fundraising and finances to running social events!